Tiago Andres Vaz

Experience and Projects Done

I hope that my readers here, are also creating amazing software! Here you will find: Work samples Some thumbs and videos that showcase my professional portfolio. Covid-19 Scenarios (by Neherlab) My contribution to the model, was to implement a new flux in the SIR model called “Palliative Flux”. Coding with Typescript, Python and Node.js and involving many kinds of data validations and complex epidemiology modelling. To accomplish this, I had to set cloud environments (dev and production) with Continuous Integration and Delivery of software, so statisticians could work on local models.

Academic and Executive Education

Motivation Since high school times I am coding and thinking software to solve problems. There is always a page in blank… Culture My family culture believes that investing in education is the path to follow with confidence and altitude in your professional career. So, I have tracked both academic and executive education accomplishments. Here you will find: Academic Titles Bachelor in Computer Science - PUC-RS (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul): 1995-2002