
Experience and Projects Done

I hope that my readers here, are also creating amazing software!

Here you will find:

Work samples

Some thumbs and videos that showcase my professional portfolio.

Covid-19 Scenarios (by Neherlab)

My contribution to the model, was to implement a new flux in the SIR model called “Palliative Flux”. Coding with Typescript, Python and Node.js and involving many kinds of data validations and complex epidemiology modelling.

To accomplish this, I had to set cloud environments (dev and production) with Continuous Integration and Delivery of software, so statisticians could work on local models.

Our environment was equipped with a data parser, to capture data from our local government dashboards and after processing than, I have customized the calculator to build specific scenarios for 26 local regions.

This was a work group with collaboration from statistics, medicine and computer science teachers from the federal university along with state authorities.


AGHUse (by Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre)

AGHUse is a complete EHR (Electronic Health Record).

I am the former Project Manager and Technical Leader, and latter the IT Executive in charge for rolling out it on the first 23 hospitals, including small, medium and large hospitals.

Since the very first day I am an observer of the great progress that the project and his branches are delivering across the country. In 2016, we have put it as the most adopted university hospital software in Brasil. In 2017 the project received a Public Innovation Award from ENAP.

Now the project is maintained by the “Comunidade AGHUse: that includes partners like UNICAMP, Army, AirForce, local governments and other universities.

Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (+900 beds) was appointed by the federal government in 2009 as a blueprint for a digital healthcare business model. Now its software is shared across the country.


Infection Surveillance Assistant (by Qualis Infectologia)

ISA is a robot. Made by automated artificial intelligence running at Amazon AWS. Provides solutions for hospitals to revamp infection control, help schools preventing outbreaks and hotels auditing protocols. In the future, we hope ISA will be an expert in infection related problems.


Special Motivation

I’ve built this website to learn Hugo (the static website creator coded using “Go” language).

This site is published at, a free place to host web content like this!

My Resume

Short description of my work at specific projects and job positions.

My enterprise healthcare experience

–> Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (2009 - now)

Project Manager: from 2009 to 2012 President Advisor: from 2012 until now.

Experience with:

  1. Data Governance;
  2. Product Design and Development;
  3. Software delivery, maintenance, and development;
  4. Enterprise change management;
  5. Leadership of technical teams;
  6. Research & Development with Data Science;

–> Qualis Soluções em Infectologia (2016 - now)

Head of A.I.

  1. Planning;
  2. Innovation (Artificial Intelligence Products);
  3. Entrepreneurship;
  4. Negotiation with customers and suppliers;

–> DATAWALL Business Intelligence (2015 - now)


  1. Product Manager;
  2. Lecturer;
  3. International business partnership;

–> Cardiométodo Medicina Diagnóstica (2003-2011)


  1. Product design, and software development;

–> Unimed Porto Alegre (2003-2009)


  1. Mobile development;
  2. Strategic Planning;
More details and past works
–> Prior works and details about my portfolio are managed in my LinkedIn account!

List of skills

My know-how using information technology, including languages and tools that I am using now.

Tech Skills

  1. Artificial Intelligence (from theory to product development);
  2. Machine Learning with Python (understanding the caveats);
  3. Data Science engineering (ETL and large data manipulation basics);
  4. AWS and Google Cloud administration (to save money and stay safe);
  5. PostgreSQL and MongoDB basic administration (20 years working with databases);
  6. Software Development with TypeScript and Node.js (I am updated with new languages skills);
  7. Epidemiology and statistics literacy (to talk with scientists and experts);
  8. Agile, DevOps, containers and cloud automation (to develop adding value);
Instead of a attendance list, I will give short comments about congresses, conferences and workshops that I am participating thru specific posts on twitter @tiagoandresvaz
Letters of recommendation
Personal references and teammates testimonials are managed at LinkedIn.

Other Information

If you need additional information about accomplishments from my resume, we can have a coffee and have a nice talk by DM on Twitter: @tiagoandresvaz